We have developed a weed control and fertilization program that includes 7 rounds of applications spaced roughly 7 weeks apart. Our program has been tailored for both warm and cool season grass types. We don’t ask our customers to sign a contract for our weed control and fertilization program, you will receive uninterrupted service year after year, or until you tell us otherwise. Review our program below and contact us today to get a free estimate.

Current Specials

50% OFF First Lawn Treatment Service
If you are a new customer, you will receive 50% off your first lawn care treatment!

Receive 10% when you pre-pay!
Luxe Lawns is offering a 10% discount for any customer that pre-pays for their lawn treatment program in advance!

Application Timeline

Round 1 Winter Application
Pre-Emergent and Targeted Weed Control
Pre-emergent weed control to prevent spring and summer weeds. Treatment of any weeds present.

Round 2 Late Winter Application
Pre-Emergent and Targeted Weed Control
What we call a split application, a second pre-emergent weed control application will be performed to prevent spring and summer weeds. Treatment of any weeds present. Fertilizer applied depending on grass type.

Round 3 Spring Application
Fertilization and Targeted Weed Control
Slow release fertilizer application for growth and color. Treatment of any weeds present.

Round 4 Late Spring Application
Fertilization and Targeted Weed Control
Slow release fertilizer application for growth and color. Treatment of any weeds present.

Round 5 Summer Application
Soil Amendment, Fertilization and Targeted Weed Control
Along with macronutrients, micronutrients will be added to this round for long-lasting, strong and healthy plant life. Soil conditioning optimizes soil pH, Highly soluble chelated iron will provide a lush appearance, and bio-charged carbon holds water only making it available to the plant when needed, allowing your soil to retain more moisture. Treatment of any weeds present.

Round 6 Late Summer Application
Pre-Emergent and Targeted Weed Control
Pre-Emergent application to prevent annual bluegrass and other fall winter weeds in warm season turf. We will be applying fertilizer to cool season grasses for growth and color. Treatment of any weeds present.

Round 7 Fall Application
Pre-Emergent and Targeted Weed Control
Pre-Emergent application to prevent annual bluegrass and other fall winter weeds in warm season turf. We will be applying fertilizer to cool season grasses for growth and color. Treatment of any weeds present.
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